Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) developed by CAST is an approach to teaching and learning that aims to provide equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or preferences. UDL is based on the idea that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for education and that different learners have different needs and strengths. UDL helps educators design flexible and accessible learning environments that can accommodate the diversity of learners in the classroom. By applying UDL principles, educators can create more engaging and effective learning experiences for everyone.
Registrations are now open for the ADCET Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Symposium 2025, titled "Navigating Authentic Assessment and Learning in a Digital World." This one and a half day symposium will be held at the University of Sydney on June 25-26, 2025, with both in-person and online attendance options available. The symposium aims to share UDL expertise, develop a national network of practitioners and researchers, explore innovative approaches to authentic assessment in digital environments, and examine the intersection of AI with UDL principles. Designed for tertiary education sector staff interested in UDL, potential participants include educators, learning designers, support staff, disability and accessibility advisors, assistive technology officers, and students with disability in education and training.
In 2023 ADCET received strategic grant funding from the Department of Education to undertake a project' 'Advancing UDL in Tertiary Education' project. The project supported ADCET's work to promote UDL in higher education and Vocational Education and Training sectors. ADCET has developed various activities and resources completed through the project which are now showcased in this UDL section of ADCET. Read more about the project in the final report.
UDL Resources
A range of resources including podcasts, webinars, checklists and templates and case studies are available to support and improve your Universal Design for Learning (UDL) practice.
Learning Design and Accessibility
Accessibility focuses on removing specific barriers for people with disability, while usability focuses on meeting a wide range of needs and preferences. Improving accessibility often improves usability as well. Accessibility checkers are tools that can help designers create accessible and usable learning materials.
Professional Learning
A range of free and fee-paying professional learning opportunities about UDL are available. Some are simple introductory online courses, while others require a more significant commitment with assessment requirements. Continuous professional learning allows you to build on what you already know, and the more you learn, the more you and your learners will benefit.
Get Involved in the Conversation
Professional networking and collegial conversations are a great way to inform and improve your UDL practice. There are a number of ways for you to get involved in these professional conversations.
UDL Symposium 2023
ADCET's UDL Symposium, UDL In Action: the what, the why and the how of UDL, was held in September 2023 and brought together experts, practitioners, researchers, and advocates from diverse fields to explore the latest developments in Universal Design for Learning.
UDL Symposium 2024
ADCET's UDL Symposium, Cultivating Creativity, Connections & Confidence in the Australian Tertiary Education Sector, was held in June 2024 and participants experienced an engaging day of learning, sharing, and exploring innovative UDL practices.
UDL Symposium 2025
The 2025 ADCET UDL Sympolisum 'Navigating Authentic Assessment and Learning in a Digital World' will take place on Wednesday 25 June and Thursday 26 June 2025.