Current Students
As a current enrolled student with disability at a post-secondary education and training provider in Australia this site provides a range of resources and information to support your study.
As a student with disability, you have a right to participate in education on the same basis as other students. And providers are obligated to provide reasonable adjustments to facilitate your learning as well as provide a wide range of other support services.
Accessing disability support and reasonable adjustments will involve disclosing your disability and the impacts of disability on your study. Disclosure is a personal decision, but there are many advantages to disclosing. Further information on disclosure of your disability.
What's in this section?
Use the navigation on the left to explore:
- frequently asked questions
- financial assistance
- assistive technology
- scholarships
- accommodation
- work placements.
If you are experiencing challenges or difficulties, there is also information about your rights and responsibilities under our Disability and Discrimination section.
Got a burning question?
Check out the Student FAQs created by students for students under the Students Thriving project