VET Educators
VET Educators Supporting Students with Disability
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The VET Educators Supporting Students with Disability e-Learning program has been designed specifically for VET Educators.
VET Staff Supporting Students with Disability
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The VET Staff Supporting Students with Disability, e-Learning program has been designed specifically for staff who work in the VET Sector.
Access Plans for VET Educators
The Access Plans for VET Educators Professional Learning Resources are a comprehensive and adaptable suite of resources that can be contextualised to your training organisation and educational teams, providing up to a two-hour professional learning session for VET Educators about what to do when they receive a student’s Access Plan.
VET Disability Awareness e-Training Modules - Literature Review
A literature review was undertaken to guide the development of the VET Disability Awareness e-Training Modules. The review collates a range of current research, resources and requirements that impact on the provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) to students with disability