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Education Alliance - Cross-Sector Collaboration

Secondary Education | VET Sector | Higher Education

Education Alliance Queensland (EAQ) is an exemplary and strategic initiative dedicated to fostering collective impact for greater transition experiences for students with disability. 

EAQ's primary focus lies in establishing a cohesive and synergistic connection among the education, training and tertiary sectors throughout the region of Queensland.  The model, can however, be adapted for any Australian State or Territory.  

The core ethos of Education Alliance Queensland is to foster collaboration and meaningful interaction across sectors within Queensland, thereby promoting seamless educational, training, and tertiary transitions for students with disabilities. Importantly EAQ encourages the exchange of innovative ideas and exemplars of best practices. EAQ also endeavours to identify and effectively address state-wide gaps and barriers within the transition space for students with disabilities.

This initiative was undertaken in Queensland and from learnings this initiative has now been packaged for other States and Territories to consider and implement.

EAQ Stakeholder Model

The EAQ Stakeholder Model provides an insight into who could be included in your State or Territory Education Alliance.

Image: EAQ Stakeholder Model highlighting membership. State Government DYJESBT and Education Qld; Tertiary – universities; Tertiary – TAFE / Registered Training Organisations; Alternative Learning Centres; Schools State, Catholic, Independent; Qld NDCOs

You will find the framework and templates for Education Alliance implementation below.

Framework Documents

These documents provide an overview and structure of the Education Alliance.  Use these as a guide and amend to suit your State or Territory.

Committee Model

A proposed committee model has been structured for EAQ to continue in Queensland without NDCO direction.  This committee model could be a valuable starting point to establish an Alliance in your State or Territory.


  • Department of Education: Principal Education Officers, Teaching and Learning
  • Catholic Education: Teaching and Learning
  • Independent Schools: Teaching and Learning

Tertiary Education:

  • Queensland Disability Liaison Officers (QDLO): Higher Education
  • Disability Support Officers (DSO): TAFE


  • Department of Youth Justice, Employment, Small Business and Training (DYJESBT)

Purpose: Education Alliance Queensland (EAQ) is a mechanism for encouraging collaboration and interaction across the education and training sectors within Queensland (Schools, VET and Higher Education). This increased connection enables a coordinated approach to identifying and sharing best practice as well as addressing issues in the secondary education transition space for students with disability and mental health conditions.

Aim: Education Alliance Queensland (EAQ) aims to improve education, training and tertiary transitions for students with disability.

Promotional Material

This promotional material has been found to be beneficial in consolidated branding and communicating with members.


The branding guidelines provide guidance to keep uniformity in promotional material and logo usage.  

Logos provided are in various formats. They are to provide an insight as you look to modify for use for your State or Territory.