NDCO developed resources
The National Disability Coordination Officer Program (NDCO) was funded by the Department of Education to drive change so that people with disability had equitable opportunity to access, participate and achieve their goals in tertiary education and subsequent employment. The NDCO program ceased on the 1 July 2023. NDCOs were involved in a broad range of projects at a national, state and local level, and worked strategically with stakeholders to address the systemic barriers experienced by people with disability engaging in tertiary education and subsequent employment. Following on from the cessation of the program, ADCET will continue to host the NDCO produced resources and where possible maintain accuracy.
NDIS & Further Education Pre-planning Toolkit
The NDIS Pre-planning Toolkits are for people with disability entering Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training and are designed to be used before a student starts a tertiary course at university or with a vocational education and training provider. The impact of a person’s disability may mean they require extra support to complete their studies. There are eight booklets in the series covering different disability types. These booklets help the student identify what supports they may need, who is responsible for providing them and how they can access them.
What's the difference between high school and post-secondary education and training?
The What's the difference between high school and post-secondary education and training resource has been developed by the NDCO Program to provide a comparison between a number of aspects of school, Vocational Education and Training and University. This resource aims to assist secondary students in understanding the differences between secondary and tertiary level education. Areas covered include the learning environment, enrolment, classroom, managing your study, study expectations and support.
Disability Awareness eLearning Training
The Disability Awareness Website hosts a suite of eLearning training encompassing Disability Awareness, External Support Workers on Campus, Supporting Students with Disability In VET, and is the only eLearning training freely available in Australia. These learning modules have been developed in consultation with relevant sectors and people with disability. Each of the eLearning training modules are available to organisations to embed into their own Learning Management Systems.
University Specialist Employment Program (USEP)
The University Specialist Employment Partnership program USEP supports final year university students with disability to prepare for the workforce, by honing their ability to compete for employment opportunities related to their area of study, and make key connections with employers who offer graduate and corporate roles
TAFE Specialist Employment Program (TSEP)
The TAFE Specialist Employment Partnership program TSEP supports final year TAFE students with disability to prepare for the workforce, by honing their ability to compete for employment opportunities related to their area of study and make key connections with employers who offer graduate and corporate roles.
Dyslexia Resource Guide
This guide aims to assist disability practitioners within the tertiary sector and those who are responsible for planning and implementing reasonable adjustments for students with dyslexia. The resource unpacks the legislative framework surrounding reasonable adjustments and provides detailed information about dyslexia. The resource also explores two case studies where reasonable adjustments have been implemented within the tertiary sector, as well as additional information on general services.
How to Transition to Tertiary Education
How to Transition to Tertiary Education provides helpful advice and strategies for students on the autism spectrum who are transitioning into tertiary studies. The resource outlines ways in which you can prepare yourself for University or Vocational Education and Training, and build your knowledge and confidence in accessing tertiary education. The resource can support you to plan a good logical approach to help you during this transition period. A long and short version is available.
Microsoft’s Inclusive Classroom
The Inclusive Classroom was a series of webinars aimed at improving knowledge of Microsoft accessibility tools. The sessions were delivered by Troy Waller, learning delivery specialist and accessibility lead for Microsoft Australia Education
Bridging Gaps
The NDCO Program partnered with Settlement Services International (SSI)
to present this webinar which explores the intersectionality between culture and disability. The seminar discusses current challenges in service deliver and provide insights to address the gaps experienced by people from a CALD background with disability who are looking for employment post education and training.