NCSEHE 2020 Equity Fellows
The NCSEHE has appointed four new Equity Fellows who will conduct targeted research projects to advance student equity research, policy and practice.
Two of the four 2020 Equity Fellows are Mr David Eckstein (Swinburne University of Technology) and Dr Tim Pitman (Curtin University) and they will undertake year-long projects focusing on students with disability.
Mr David Eckstein’s Fellowship project, Meaningful jobs for graduates with disability: From luck to business as usual, will address inequities in post-graduation employment and graduate programs for students with disability.
“Graduates with disability experience inferior employment outcomes compared to students without a disability,” Mr Eckstein said.
“This Fellowship aims to add disability to the national conversation about student employment by identifying best practice initiatives and developing open-access tools and guidelines for all universities to use.”
Dr Tim Pitman will conduct Australia-wide research on Supporting people with disability from regional, rural and remote Australia, to succeed in higher education
“Currently, there are anywhere between 8,000–10,000 people from regional Australia, who identify as having disability, undertaking higher education studies,” Dr Pitman said.
“In this project, I am excited to be working with students with disability, and the higher education staff who support them, to deepen our knowledge and understanding about what works, and what doesn’t.”