HEPPP - 2016 National Priorities Pool: Review of Identified Equity Groups
The Institute for Social Science Research (ISSR) was commissioned by the Australian Government to review the equity groups that are used to identify and support people who face systemic barriers to participating and succeeding in higher education. Their approach centred on our awareness that educational equity and disadvantage are subject to interpretation, depending on the lens or viewpoint. They adopted a data-driven approach in order to test the contemporary relevance of equity groups in an objective way, with stakeholder consultation used to ground-truth the findings.
Aims: Review the six identified equity groups currently in scope for equity policy and programmes to determine relevance; Consider whether new or changed equity groups should be applied
Outputs: Consultation Paper for stakeholder engagement; Written Report to inform government decision-making
Project team: Dr Wojtek Tomaszewski - Project leader; Mr Matthias Kubler; Dr Francisco Perales; Dr Tina Rampino; Professor Mark Western; Dr Ning Xiang
(February 2018)