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Podcast: Transition to Higher Education for Students on the Autism Spectrum

Alison Nuske, PhD candidate at Flinders University, provides an overview of a systematic literature review exploring the experiences of transition to higher education for Autistic students, as reported by Autistic students and family members of Autistic students. Alison discusses the findings of this review and their implications for future practice in university settings to improve the first-year experiences of autistic students in higher education.

Disability practitioners will learn about the current evidence to inform best practice supports and services for helping Autistic students during their transition to university and considerations for potential barriers that may be impacting on disclosure and consequently on support provision. University disability services staff will also have the opportunity to find out more about the current research study and ways in which they, their fellow university staff, and their students can be involved to help us to better understand the barriers and facilitators for Autistic students in their transition to and first year of university in Australia.