ADCET Newsletter: November #2 2022 - 20 Years With ADCET
In this last newsletter for November (where did the year go!) we celebrate 20 years with ADCET. This is a chance for all of us to reflect on some of the major changes, milestones and advancements in supporting students across the tertiary sector and acknowledge the valuable networks we have made with you all. But wait there's more, we have created a '20 questions about ADCET quiz' to see what you know about ADCET along with a $100 voucher for one lucky quizzer (just in time for that Christmas spending spree).
Don't forget to register for the UDL Masterclass with international expert Fredric Fovet, and the Words Matter webinar on inclusive language. The recording is also available for the webinar: Scaffolding students to become independent learners and career ready graduates.