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ADCET Universities Accord Submission

As part of the Australian Government's Universities Accord Consultation ADCET submitted a detailed submission in response to the discussion paper.

ADCET believes the Universities Accord reform process must be viewed through an inclusive lens. Diversity and inclusion in our higher education system should be at the centre of all decisions relating to this review.   
While the last significant review of higher education, the Bradley Review, rightly prioritised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from low socio-economic backgrounds and regional and remote students, there has been limited focus on people with disability. In addition, there has been a lack of recognition about the intersectionality between disability and other equity characteristics. 

It is now time to put disability inclusion on the agenda. In this significant reform process, we have asked the Panel to consider a number of key things:

  • the ongoing importance of ADCET in supporting the tertiary education sector
  • structural reform which has a disability lens applied to it across all spheres of activity
  • better support for people with disability across the whole student lifecycle
  • seamless cross-sectoral alignment.

You can read ADCET's submission below or all submissions on the Department of Education This link takes you away from the ADCET page website.