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Research Project: What Constitutes Success in Higher Education for Students with Disability? - Call for student participants

About the Project and Invitation to Participate

The measures of student success in Higher Education, and what success constitutes is complex and the many difficulties students with disability can experience in undertaking Higher Education compared to non-disabled students, are wide and varied. This project has stemmed from the experience of student investigator Edwina Newham’s role as an Accessibility Adviser, working with students who have disability. 

The role of Accessibility is to assist students with disability to navigate the Higher Education system and understand policy, and processes under the remit of ‘reasonable adjustments’ which can be complex and difficult.  The challenges of having disability, have a big impact on student participation and success in Higher Education.  This study will use interview data to give voice to Accessibility students to provide a better understanding of factors that support student success.  

What this project is about and why it is being undertaken

Student success in Higher Education, and what success constitutes is complex and multifaceted. This project examines these important factors by listening to students with disability and challenging the established conceptualization and measure of success in Higher Education. It aims to show how there are better ways to understand and achieve success, leading to recommendations for the university sector.


Each interviewee will be assigned a code to ensure personal identifiers are not revealed during analysis or in the publication of the findings.

While there is no monetary compensation for taking part in this study, participation will provide a vitally important contribution to disability and Higher Education research.

The interviews will be conducted remotely (Using MS Teams or Zoom), and transcripts will be available afterwards.

If students would like to participate  

Students can email Edwina Newham directly to provide 2 times they are available to be interviewed (Monday - Friday, between business hours)

Please include any access requirements. 

Please contact Edwina Newham, Student Investigator.