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Web for All Conference (W4A’25)

Mon 28 Apr 2025 – Fri 2 May 2025 AEST

International Convention Centre Sydney , 14 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2000

Event details

The 22nd International Web for All Conference (W4A’25), the premier venue for web accessibility research, will take place in Sydney, Australia. W4A is co-located with the 34th International World Wide Web Conference – TheWebConf’25 at the ICC Sydney: International Convention & Exhibition Centre.

The conference focuses on all aspects of web accessibility. Areas of general interest include, but are not limited to the following: age, cognition, culture, education, emotions, dexterity, disability, diversity, health, hearing, income, infrastructure, language, learning, literacy, mobility, neurodiversity, situation, society, and vision.

This year, W4A’s theme is “Accessible Employment”, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 8, which aims to “promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”.

This year, the Web4All conference seeks to explore the barriers to participation in the employment market for those with a lived experience of disability and what work is being undertaken to reduce these barriers.

The W4A offers a vibrant experience for people who are passionate about accessibility and inclusion.


If you are a researcher or practitioner in the field of digital accessibility, with a focus on Accessible Employment, there is still time to submit a technical, communication or challenge paper.

We welcome high-quality original submissions including:

  • Technical Papers or Communication papers: Scientific contributions and engineering solutions related to Inclusive Employability and associated technologies. In the interest of reproducibility, authors are encouraged to share their code and data as supplementary material accompanying their submission.
  • Web Accessibility Challenge: Showcase working accessibility systems and assistive technology prototypes. Demos are evaluated both by the conference delegates and an independent panel of judges to identify the most significant advances in accessibility research that year.
  • Doctoral Consortium: Special session with industry and research experts during which PhD students can showcase their work in the field of digital accessibility and get constructive feedback on their dissertation research and presentation skills.

Closing Date for submissions: Friday 28 February 2025.

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