UDL Plus-One Pledge
People who have completed the UDL in Tertiary Education eLearning Program have been invited to pledge their Plus-One.
Plus-One thinking is an approach designed to help educators embed Universal Design for Learning principles in their teaching and course development by first focusing on pain points for themselves or their students, then thinking of just one more way to reduce those pain points or barriers. For example, by providing course materials in one more format, or allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge of key concepts in one more way.
To find out more you can watch Dr Thomas Tobin outline the Plus-One Approach or register online to complete the UDL in Tertiary Education
eLearning Program.
For those who have completed the UDL in Tertiary Education eLearning Program Make your UDL Plus-One Pledge
UDL Plus-One Pledges made:
- Design an assessment that offers learners choice in the way they demonstrate their achievement of a learning outcome, and support this with clear rubrics so it is obvious to them how they would be graded, no matter what they choice of presentation is. (Anonymous)
- To engage students in the weekly readings through a discussion board that invites them to share what they 'hope' or predict to learn as well as answer, "What ONE question would you like me to answer in class about this reading?" The questions will kick off the next tutorial and class discussion. (Olivia Karaolis, Teaching/Training)
- Add alt text to images. (Carol Ong, Learning design)
- Having many students from a CALD background, I will adapt my training by using whiteboard drawings to clarify. I will also encourage those who are comfortable to come up and draw, and I will simplify words using drawings. (Anonymous)
- I pledge to show learners how to use learning tools and technologies. (Amarachi Vivian Okonkwo, Teaching/Training)
- To generate awareness among academics of UDL and the value it brings to accessibility to education for all learners. (Robyn Latimer, Equity/Student support)
- To provide the learning experience materials in more than one way to ensure students can demonstrate their understandings in a way that make sense to them. (Anonymous)
- Add extra content for practical assessments so students are able to engage with pre-practical content in a preferred format (video, audio, book resource). (Anonymous)
- When collaborating on any projects within RMIT, to always find a plus one method to represent the information we are trying to convey and to allow engagement in any project activities, so that we are leading by example. (Teresa Dowding, Manager Equitable Learning and Accessibility)
- To allow an alternative format also for their assessment task. (Anonymous)
- Create a forum where learners can introduce themselves, share ideas and ask questions. (Anonymous)
- Allow student choice with topics and space to reflect in the essay assignment on how their ideas about the social science course have changed from the beginning of the course/assignment. (Anonymous)
- I pledge to ensure I advocate for UDL from any role within education I hold, to ensure that diverse voices and experiences are sought after and acknowledged. (Adele Vogel, Research)
- To provide course materials in more than one format and check my accessibility on all content. (Brooke Russell, Teaching/Training)
- Develop more short-form video instructions to compliment and augment text content (with closed captions - of course). (Danni, Academic Capability Building)
- Provide course material in a number of formats e.g. text, video, online quizzes. (Anonymous)
- Conduct an audit of current program assessment methods and topics and expand options where possible. (Anonymous)
- Check my online materials for accessibility. (Anonymous)
- To ensure assessments come in different formats. (Anonymous)
- Convert a section of content to an alternative format. (Anonymous)
- To make the why of learning more explicit for my learners ie why is it important to learn or do that thing. (Samantha Clarke, Teaching/Training)
- To ensure all new online courses I develop have the 'course content' in a format that allows students access to alternative formats should they need or prefer it. (Lisa Brennan, Learning design)
- I will use the Accessibility Checker within Microsoft Word to ensure my material is as accessible and usable as possible for everybody. With my name and role description acknowledged. (Marika Leopold, Teaching/Training)
- I will investigate ways to create assessment options in a heavily regulated assessment environment. (i.e., How can we provide options within the bounds of assessments published in the handbook?) (Ashley Anderson, Learning design)
- To offer one alternative assessment option for one unit this coming semester. (Jen Cousins, Teaching/Training)
- I will focus on making assessment more accessible by offering students one extra choice for demonstrating their skills and knowledge. Some ideas I can try include a talking-head video, animation, audio, a diagram or a role-play, depending on the task. (Annie Carney, Learning design)
- NR TAFE AccessAbility Student Services will continue to provide all students a safe, inclusive environment and the individualized learning support required to achieve a positive outcome in their chosen area of study. (Shirley Russell, AccessAbility Coordinator)
- Add a video introduction to online courses. (Anonymous)