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Enhancing Disability Inclusion in Tertiary Education Survey

ADCET is currently working on future planning and we are hoping that you can help us out by providing your views on what the future of disability inclusion in tertiary education should look like, and the role ADCET might play in this. It is timely to take stock of the big picture in our sector due to recent developments relating to the Universities Accord, the reallocation of funding away from NDCO, and other important policy reforms occurring in the disability sector. Further information is available via the attached briefing papers.

Importantly, ADCET is no longer funded for the full range of activities that we have performed in the past. This means that we need to think about how the important work we have been doing to coordinate a cohesive approach to disability inclusion in tertiary settings will continue. We are hoping to use your insights to shape the way we position ADCET in the future. This might include: in future funding bids; potential proposals to expand; or as a proposal for a new capability altogether.

We have prepared a survey which aims to seek insight from those with an interest in disability inclusion in tertiary education that you can complete (anonymously if you would like) to express your thoughts.

If you would like to express your thoughts by email, or arrange a time to speak to us verbally please email Darlene McLennan ( or Ebe Ganon (

Complete the survey This link takes you away from the ADCET page

(August 2024)