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Participating in a careers fair - Quiet 60 initiative
Tips for employers

A Quiet 60 is an hour-long, dedicated period that provides a welcoming, low-sensory experience for students who have difficulties in busy, crowded environments. During this time, there is reduced lighting and background noise.

The following tips will support you in your engagement with students during the Quiet 60 period and are beneficial to your engagements with students throughout the fair:

Tip 1: Reduce sensory stimulation

Your booth might feature bright light, multimedia components or other noise during the main event, and this can be overwhelming for neurodivergent students. Reducing this will enable students to maximise their conversations with you.

Tip 2: Speak clearly and concisely

Avoid jargon and slang as it could be taken literally. Try to use language that is clear to someone who is neurodivergent. Apply this tip when answering or asking questions, making comments and giving information about your company.

Tip 3: Be patient

A person who is neurodivergent may process information differently. Be patient and listen as it may take the student a little longer to think about what you are trying to say. If you ask more questions or make comments, that flow can be disrupted.

Tip 4: Don’t worry about eye contact

Lack of eye contact does not mean the person is not engaged in the conversation. Maintaining and starting eye contact can be difficult for some neurodivergent people.

Tip 5: Be open

Including questions about hobbies and interests can be a successful way to get students to open up and talk more.

We thank you in advance for supporting our diverse student community.


The Curtin Careers centre acknowledges and thanks the Curtin Specialist Mentoring Program for their co-design of this information for the 2020 Curtin Careers Fair.


The above content is available for download as a Word and/or PDF document.

Download: Participating in a careers fair - Quiet 60 initiative (doc 1.8MB)

Download: Participating in a careers fair - Quiet 60 initiative (PDF)