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helpful resources

autism - general

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    Autism Spectrum Australia

    Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) supports people on the spectrum and their families by providing information, education and a variety of services aimed at meeting the specific needs of each individual.

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    Book: An Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions

    This book addresses an important aspect of social communication for people with Asperger Syndrome, who use direct, precise language and `take things literally'. This dictionary aims to dispel any confusion that arises from the misinterpretation of language. It provides explanations of over 5000 idiomatic expressions and a useful guide to their politeness level.

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    Book: Autism and Asperger Syndrome

    In this book Simon Baron-Cohen summarises the current understanding of autism and Asperger Syndrome. He explains the process of diagnosis, as well as the options for education and intervention for those with these conditions. Taking a lifespan approach, Professor Baron-Cohen considers how the conditions affect very young children through to adulthood. He also outlines his new Empathizing-Systemizing (ES) theory, which aims to explain all of the psychological features of autistic-spectrum conditions. This book is designed firstly for people with these conditions and their families (2008).

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    Book: Facial Expressions – A Visual Reference for Artists

    This book links facial expressions to emotions. It includes more than 2,500 photographs of 50 faces,  men and women of a variety of ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities - each demonstrating a wide range of emotions and shown from multiple angles. (Mark Simon (2005).

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    Book: The Wonderful World of Work

    This hands-on workbook demystifies the world of work in order to help teenagers with Asperger syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder) feel confident in their ability to be successful at their studies and get a job. It includes helpful information around time-management and organisational skills, and advice on what options are available after school and tertiary study. (Jeanette Purkis (2014).

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    Book: Understanding and Working with the Spectrum of Autism: An Insider’s View

    In Understanding and Working with the Spectrum of Autism Wendy Lawson demonstrates these processes using comparisons from the non-ASD world to help professionals, families and carers to relate to and communicate with people with ASD better.

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    Fabic Behaviour Scale

    Resources to support the 3-step process to behaviour change. This is based on the understanding that unwanted behaviour is a result of anxiety. Their scale is a visual communication chart that, when used effectively, supports people to read signs of anxiety, understand the causes of tension and teaches people the appropriate behaviours that would support them to feel more equipped to manage the aspect of life they are finding challenging.

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    myWAY Employability

    myWAY Employability provides an individual profile matched to relevant career, further education and training information and pathways. It helps young people take big dreams and break them into smaller goals and tasks to track progress.

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    The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC)

    The Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre (OTARC) is Australia's first centre dedicated to Autism research, focusing on research activities, evidence-based programs, and international collaboration. Their work supports Autistic individuals and their families to actively participate in their community, education, employment, find enjoyment in life, and make meaningful contributions based on their goals.

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    Tony Attwood website: Asperger's Syndrome resources

    Tony Attwood's website is a guide for parents, professionals and people with Asperger's Syndrome and their partners.
    In this site you will find issues related to Asperger's Syndrome, resources, resource papers Tony has authored, related topics and Tonys presentation schedule.

tertiary study and autism

state-based autism services

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    Aspergers Victoria Inc

    Aspergers Victoria provides information and support to those living with Asperger Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Conditions. They provide 15 support and social groups each month for adults, young adults, teens, girls and boys with Aspergers, parents and carers, siblings and partners in multiple locations. They hold regular seminars and workshops and offer email and phone helpline, quarterly newsletter, comprehensive website, professional directory, social media forums, library resources, new members information kit and fact sheets.

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    Autism Association of Western Australia

    The Autism Association's mission is to advance the personal development, equality of opportunity and community participation of people with Autism. Their services (including referrals) consist of: Advice and Consultancy; Diagnosis; Early Childhood Therapy Packages; School Aged Services; Adult Services; and Regional Services.

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    Autism Northern Territory

    Autism Northern Territory is the peak body for autism spectrum disorders in the Territory. They offer support and information to those who are living and working with autism spectrum disorders as well as the general public throughout the Northern Territory and are available to anyone requiring support, information or assistance from birth up.

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    Autism Queensland

    Autism Queensland delivers quality services and supports for people living with autism through their exceptional workforce, enhanced infrastructure and sustainable growth. They partner with people on the autism spectrum, their families and communities to remove barriers and realise potential.

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    Autism South Australia

    Autism South Australia's mission is to deliver specialised services and promote community awareness to facilitate an inclusive community that values individuals and families living with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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    Autism Spectrum Australia

    Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) supports people on the spectrum and their families by providing information, education and a variety of services aimed at meeting the specific needs of each individual.

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    Autism Tasmania

    Autism Tasmania helps adults and children in Tasmania on the autism spectrum, their families and carers to participate fully, independently, and equally in all aspects of their everyday lives.

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    Autism Victoria - Amaze

    Amaze's aim is to improve the quality of life for people affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders, their family and carers. They also provide a range of services to individuals and agencies with an interest in Autism Spectrum Disorders (including Asperger Syndrome and PDD-NOS).

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    Marymead’s Autism Centre ACT

    Marymead Autism Centre celebrates diversity, promotes awareness and inclusion, and supports people on the Autism spectrum and their families. The Centre provides the following services: information and referrals; NDIS Support Coordination; Early Days workshops; support groups; social groups; access days; autism training; autism library; and newsletter.