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Banner reading Universal Design for Learning Symposium. 12 June 2024. RMIT, Melbourne

Home | Registration | Call for Abstracts | Program | Accommodation | Disability Access | FAQs

Disability Access

We are committed to providing a fully inclusive event and are working with RMIT on providing access information and will update this page regularly.

Welcome and directions

Staff will be positioned outside of the venue from 8am in the morning to welcome delegates and show them to the registration desk

Sensory friendly lounge 

There is a sensory friendly lounge on Level 2 of B80 which will be open for the duration of the day for delegate to access

Assistance dogs 

A grass area is available nearby on the State Library grounds on Swanston street for toileting and a water bowl station will be set up in the registration area. 

Orientation and Mobility

Delegates who require orientation to the venue will be able to book at time soon. We aim to have these sessions available between 4pm and 5pm on the day prior and 8am and 9am the morning of the symposium.

Hearing Loops

Each room will be set up with hearing loops.

Auslan interpreters 

Auslan interpreters have been tentatively booked but will be cancelled if not required. We request registrants advise of their need for interpreting by 3 June 2024.


Captioning will be provided for every session and delegates will be able to access this within the Teams environment for those joining us online as well as via an external webpage.

Accessibility drop off

Information will be provided in the coming weeks.

Key dates

Abstract submission deadline: 13 May 2024
Notification of acceptance: 20 May 2024

Registrations close
Early-bird: 29 May 2024
In-person: 10:00 am 7 June 2024
Online: 10 June 2024

In partnership with:

Supported by:

Symposium supporters logos - UTas, ATEND, EPHEA, Captify Live