Career Planning
Career planning is firstly a matter of researching options and making informed choices about career pathways that meet your interests, talents, capabilities, and skills. Time and thought is needed to fully explore potential career options and aspirations. For people with disability career planning may also require careful consideration of additional issues associated with the impacts of the disability on course choice and employment goals.
There are some useful career planning websites available that can assist you identify your interests and skills, and match these to career pathways. It may also be helpful to get advice from those who have a career planning background, such as a Schools Career Advisor or a Career Counsellor. Career counsellors assist people identify potential career and study pathways.
University and TAFE may offer career counselling services for students and potential students. There are also private career counsellors that will help you define your career goals and a develop a plan of how to meet those goals. Private career counsellors charge for their services. Many large recruitment agencies also provide career services. The advantage of career counselling is that it will assist you make informed decisions regarding tertiary study or training and where it will lead.